I am in love with these two embodiment practices that I have fully integrated into my daily spiritual and physical practice. I have more energy, more clarity, more creative flow! I feel empowered and positive about my life despite the chaos, instability and confusion in the world at this time. I feel lighter, stronger and brighter as I shine my highest self and share my inner beauty with all that I do, feel and say.

Quantum Flow is an embodiment practice that awakens every layer of your being. It is an art and technology used to align with your Soul, so you are tapping into your life purpose, your highest dreams and living your best life ever. Through movement, breath flow, vibrational sound, mindset and meditation you become one with the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities using the body as a vehicle of transformation, manifestation and abundance.
Quantum Flow utilizes the temple of your body to align with your Soul in order to ultimately share the gifts – from the Universe – that want to flow through you!
Quantum Flow is a formula that uses 7 distinct Stages of awareness: Grounding, Alchemy, Incorement, Radiancy, Flow, Integration and Divine Truth. Each stage is connected to the other in a dance of perfect orchestration for you to embody and awaken to your highest potential.
You are opening up to full manifestation in every layer of your being, working through the physical body from a deep cellular level, re-wiring, “bio-hacking” the nervous system, expanding your energy body (chakras and meridians), upgrading your electromagnetic field so you can tap into the messages of your Soul, your highest intuition and your inner guidance, which will guide you into Soul manifestation.
Kundalini Yoga is a complete system of ancient yogic postures (kriyas) breathwork, and meditation designed to quickly create consistent states of happiness, elevation and contentment.
Kundalini yoga and meditation opens the door for you to experience sustained states of unconditional happiness & creativity while realizing your highest potential and destiny on the planet. Also known as “The Yoga of Awareness” it provides the blueprint to experience profound physical, emotional and spiritual healing and transformation.
What happens when I tap into the Kundalini energy in my body?
Kundalini Yoga uses the sacred combination of Asana (posture), Mantra (Ancient Sound Currents), Mudra (hand positions) and Pranayam (breath) to strengthen the nervous system, balance the glands and stimulate the infinite energy available in the human system.
Feel better and elevate yourself now! Anyone of any age, fitness level or experience will benefit from this sacred yogic practice.
When the Kundalini force awakens in your body you have increased emotional stability, great physical health and energy, mental clarity and balance and the flow of infinite creativity. The practice will transform you inside and out, making you a radiant, luminous wise being of unlimited compassion and joy!
Private Kundalini and Quantum Flow sessions with Nadine.
$111 per hour
SADHANA – a complimentary meditation practice
Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice of BEING with your Self, for your Self in the early morning hours (The Amrit Veil) between 4AM and 7AM. It’s a personal spiritual practice that allows your mind/body and soul to be one-pointed, relaxed, free and clear before the day begins. Once you create the discipline of this magical spiritual practice, you enter a space of Oneness that connects you with the Cosmos and all of humanity moment by moment. The magnificent results of your daily Sadhana are to be experienced and cherished for yourself!
Monthly Sadhana in Honor of my Satguru Thuli Baba
19th of each month
4:30AM to 7:30AM
Monthly Sadhana in Honor of my Teacher Guru Jagat
1st of each month
4AM to 7AM EST
On Zoom and In Person @ LOFT Ayer’s Cliff